Schwimmen für NICHT-Schwimmer



Swimming for non-swimmers (English).


Have you always wanted to learn to swim, need a balance to your stressful everyday life and want to meet new people? Then the swimming courses for non-swimmers organised by OVGU's ‘ Schwimm Kultur’ project are just the right programme for you.

We teach you all the basics you need to become a confident swimmer - and even more.

International swimmers are welcome!

In the weekly training sessions, you will learn the basics of buoyancy, correct behaviour in the pool, practical knowledge about the possibilities and limitations of the human body in the water, backstroke and finally breaststroke.
Swimming as a sport not only improves general fitness, but also mental health and general well-being. The courses are therefore all about learning the joy of movement in the water so that you can not only swim, but also have fun in the water.
You will be accompanied by a passionate team of two trainers and the other course participants. And if you wish, you can prove your progress in an official swimming test and receive an official certificate.

Furthermore, we offer you workshops and events outside the pool to promote your life and learning satisfaction, your mental and physical health and your integration process. We do our best to include you in a great network and give you the opportunity to make new friends.

You can connect with your swimming mates via WhatsApp. In our WhatsApp group, you will receive all important organisational updates, exciting additional information and find everyone who is experiencing the adventure of learning to swim with you.

You can also find more information about our project and insights into past swim training sessions on our Instagram channel. Simply follow the QR code and take a look.



Please note the courses will be held in english!


Organiser: Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg | Schwimmkultur


2501AnfängerMo20:30-21:30EH21.10.-27.01.Sophie Mlitzke
30/ --/ -- €
30 EUR
für Studierende/Azubis
2502AnfängerDi11:00-12:00EH22.10.-28.01.Johannes Frank, Juljana Ditting
30/ --/ -- €
30 EUR
für Studierende/Azubis
2503AnfängerMi11:00-12:00EH23.10.-29.01.Johannes Frank, Michelle Dölling
30/ --/ -- €
30 EUR
für Studierende/Azubis
2504AnfängerMi20:00-21:00EH23.10.-29.01.Johannes Frank, Danilova Maria
30/ --/ -- €
30 EUR
für Studierende/Azubis
