Mitarbeitersport - OVGU PausenExpress

Kein Umziehen, kein Schwitzen, keine Ausreden!

Der PausenExpress ist eine aktive Pause für Beschäftigte der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität. Es wird eine 15-minütige Bewegungseinheit, bestehend aus Mobilisation, Kräftigung, Dehnung und Entspannung, angeboten.

Bitte beachten:

Da unser Trainingspersonal direkt zu Ihnen ins Büro kommt, ist es notwendig, dass sich aus Ihrem Kollegium kleine Teams (3-10 Personen) bilden und ein/e Teamsprecher*in benannt wird.

Anschließend kann der/die Teamsprecher*in per Mail ( einen Termin vereinbaren.

No changing, no sweating, no excuses!

The PausenExpress is an active break for employees of the Otto-von-Guericke-University. The PausenExpress fitness instructor visits your workplace once a week at a scheduled time. We offer a 15-minute exercise session consisting of mobilisation, strengthening, stretching, and relaxation for a group of four to eight people.

Various small pieces of sports equipment, such as Thera-Bands, massage balls or brasils, are provided. The exercises are coordinated to avoid sweating; thus there?s no need to change clothes.

The PausenExpress classes always start in the third week of the semester and run for 10 weeks. Various class times are available for individual booking from Monday to Friday between 11:00 and 13:00.

The PausenExpress is a project of the Sports Centre in close cooperation with the Health Management and the Department of Sports Sciences of the Otto von Guericke University. This offer is supported by the university management and can be attended during working hours if there are no conflicting business concerns.

This project is certified by the adh (German University Sports Federation).

4018AlleMo-Fr11:00-13:00Campus PausenExpress15.04.-12.07.Lilli Marie Michalik, Tiwari Prashant
10/ 10/ -- €
10 EUR
für Studierende/Azubis

10 EUR
für Mitarbeitende
